The Scentsy Opportunity – Do Not Join Until You Read This


Did someone just invited you to join Scentsy to earn extra income? Is this a real opportunity? I would like to give you an overview on this company and its opportunity and some advice on what you will need to achieve your financial goals.

1. Scentsy, a Direct Sales MLM Company

Scentsy was founded in 2004, based in Meridian, Idaho. The company sells different types of fragrance wickless candles, with candle warmers, which operates safer than regular lit candles.
The candle warmers simply release highly scented Fragrances within the wax, without creating fire risk associated with lighting a candle.
Scentsy is a Direct Selling company with MLM compenstation model. As an independent consultant, you will sell the product directly to the customers. You will be rewarded with commissions based on your Personal Retail Volume. Leadership Bonus are also paid out to team / group leaders who built teams of consultants, and these bonuses becomes the residual income.

2. How to Join Scentsy as a Consultant?

You will need to purchase a US $ 99 starter kit, which includes selected Party Fragrance Testers, demonstration products and a good range of business supplies such as party / training DVD, Brochures, Business Cards, etc.

You will then need to keep your membership active by maintaining a $ 150 Personal Retail Volume (PRV) every 3 months.

To receive orders online, you can also subscribe to a replicated website / webstore for $ 10 / month.

3. Compensation Plan

Your commission will start from 20% of your PRV, which is how much you have sold. Once you have achieved the US $ 1,000 PRV, the company will begin to pay you 25% of your following sales. Upon building a team of consultants, you will also receive 2-9% of the Group Wholesale Volume.

4. Marketing Strategy based around Party Plan

Scentsy has been using party plan as its main marketing strategy, although it has allow its independent consultants to decide their own marketing approach. Many successful consultant have benefited from using party plan marketing strategy. The downside of party plan is that it requires a lot of time and manual effort to organize and follow up. On the other hand, many successful Scentsy consultants have also leverage on the online automated tools and systems, which more effectively market their product and services.

5. Inexpensive products

Scentsy's products are inexpensive, therefore lowering the consumer's objection to purchase. Ironically it means that you would need to sell a lot of it to make a significant commission.

6. What commission income are we talking about here?

Just for an example, here is what you need to make a $ 1000 commission:

A Sampler Multi Pack cost $ 105, your commission will be 20% at $ 21.

For the first 10 sales, you will receive $ 210.

You will receive $ 813.75 for the next 31 sales.

All in, you will receive $ 1023.75 for selling 41 sets of Sampler Multi Pack.

To realize this, you can invite 5 new friends to a Scentsy party, organize 8 parties in a month and sell to each of your friend 1 sampler pack in each party.

Although this might seem easy, you will need a lot of commitment, networking and time. The good news is that Scentsy does not prevent you from marketing online to leverage on the advance tools and strategies to promote your products and services. However what Scentsy does not provide is a Marketing System that will help you to generate new leads and convert these leads to customers or independent consultants.

A good Marketing system is one that will help you to attract massive traffic and generate lots of leads for you, and turn these leads to paying customers for affiliate products even if they do not buy from you.

If you really want to learn how to market online successfully, visit the below link to access this information:


Source by Jon Koh

Make Dry Ice Blasting Your Small Business Opportunity


What is dry ice blasting? Dry ice blasting is a form of abrasive blasting industrial cleaning that uses a solid form of carbon dioxide known as dry ice. Pellets or ice is shot through pressurized air stream of either one hose or two hose machines.

Which System is Best? Most systems today are the single hose technology. Technology using the single hose was created by the Cold Jet company in 1986. One advantage of the single hose system is that it avoids the possible dangers of a pressurized hopper by the use of a quick cycle airlock. Another advantage of the single hose system is that it has more power and you can use a longer hose.

Making Massive Money! There are many ways to make money cleaning with Dry Ice. Many people prefer Dry Ice Blasting for paint removal, because it is less harsh than sand blasting. Another great business opportunity is to clean food processing equipment. Because it can decontaminate surfaces that could contain Salmonella and E. coli. Dry Ice can clean without residue so the Environmental Protection Agency prefers it to many kinds of solvent based cleaners. The Aerospace industry also uses Dry Ice Blasting to sensitive equipment like clean semiconductors. Manufacturers are also a great business opportunity because cleaning with cold can be used for maintaining their equipment and can drastically reduce their down time.

The Freeze Jet is just one of several different types of Dry Ice Blasting equipment. For around $ 3,000 you can usually purchase a Dry Ice Blasting machine.

What about Safety? How safe is this type of industrial cleaning? Cleaning with cold (normal pressure is -78 C (-108 F) can be toxic if the concentration is over 1%. Asphyxia can be caused because of oxygen removal so Dry Ice must be used in a well ventilated area.

Safety Equipment: Typical safety equipment will include a positive pressure blast hood or helmet. Air hoses are attached to a grade D pressurized air supply, which is mandated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Also using ear plugs for hearing protection is part of the usual safety equipment. Body protection usually includes gloves and overalls as well as a leather coat and chaps.

What fees can I charge? How much money can I make in this Industrial Cleaning business? Total typical fees can range in the $ 300.00 per hour range, so it can be one of the more lucrative types of industrial cleaning.

The Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting: This type of industrial Cleaning meets EPA, USDA, and FDA guidelines. Has less clean up of the waste material. Extends the life of the equipment. Cleans more thoroughly. Reduces or eliminates equipment damage. Provides a safer cleaning environment. Is Non-polluting and environmental friendly. Can destroy and eliminate bacterial and fungal growth.

How can I get started? You can get started with your small business by beginning with a business plan. A business plan is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals. It should also contain a good marketing plan. Then apply for small business government grants or small business loans, so you can purchase equipment.

Having your own business can help you to end money worries. Having a business plan is essential to having a successful small business. Knowing how to market your small business for little or no money is an important key to your business success as well. Imagine how much more profit you can have when you do not have to budget much on advertising.

Get Colossal Cash from Government Contracts. Companies interested in selling their products and services to the federal government (the United States General Services Administration) can prepare by fulfilling applicable requirements, and registering in the appropriate systems. Companies may also participate by seeking sub-contracting opportunities with current contract holders. The General Services Administration provides and contracts for Billions of dollars' worth of products and services for federal agencies.

In summary Dry Ice Blasting can be an extremely profitable business and helps with the environment as well.


Source by Brian Mahoney

Understanding Opportunity Costs


Opportunity costs is a term used in economics to explain that for every decision made in business (or personally) there is both an opportunity and a cost associated with that opportunity. If you have never been exposed to opportunity cost before it may not make a lot of sense, so I will summarize the concept in simple terms so you understand this very important concept.

Let's say you can only have either chicken or hamburger for dinner tonight, but not both. The opportunity to have chicken will cost you the opportunity to have hamburger. Likewise, if you choose to have hamburger, it will cost you the opportunity to have chicken. The opportunity cost analogy can be applied to every decision we make, every waking moment of our lives. When you wake up in the morning, you can choose to wear slippers or shoes but not both. If you choose shoes, it will cost you the opportunity to wear slippers and vice versa. Give this some thought and you will see that you make decisions on how to use your time and if you spend time at one task, it will cost you the time to apply to the next task and so on. The opportunity to stay awake cost you the opportunity to sleep. The opportunity to get married costs you the opportunity to be single. You get the idea. The key is to grasp the enormity of this concept in your daily life and just as importantly, how you spend time at work or in business.

You are either unemployed, employed, self employed, a business owner or an investor. And in each case there is an opportunity and an associated cost. Can you determine what the opportunities and costs are?

I am a BIG believer in getting educated and knowledgeable about a matter before leaping into any project. I am rarely impulsive because I have learned that impulsive actions have consequences that usually cost more than the opportunity to be impulsive, and this is especially true in business. In other words, the opportunity to be impulsive costs me the opportunity to be managed and controlled. However, the opportunity to be in control costs me the opportunity to be impulsive. I choose control over impulse because the probable outcome tends to be more positive rather than negative.

I come from a poor family in Detroit, Michigan and was fairly uneducated before I first started in business some 20+ years ago. I met a man named Doug Wright, a commercial attorney in Toledo Ohio. He was a professional, smooth, well spoken, articulate, tall and charismatic man who commanded whatever environment he was in. I, on the other hand, just a young guy of 25, was ignorant, naive, arrogant, and a wet behind the ears know it all. Doug saw something in my personality that inspired him to mentor me and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Doug was able to gracefully show me how much I did not know contrasted to his vast knowledge and experience. And being the competitive person I am, I went to the library and took out business books on marketing, sales, management, philosophy, etc. I had to get on a more level playing field with Doug who had degrees coming out his Ying Yang. I got smarter fast but I did not have a degree to compete with Doug. So I spent thousands of dollars to get a degree in business. And I got licensed in real estate. And I was a commercial mortgage broker. And I wrote books that went national. And many more accomplishments that few people ever have a chance to obtain. All the accomplishments were achieved because I wanted to know how the world spins, what makes one business a success while another fails. But the opportunity to get all this education cost me tremendous amounts of time and money. Doug passed away last year and I lost a good friend.

But coming from a poor environment and "thinking I knew what was going on" versus actually knowing what was going on, was a vast difference in reality. I knew I could help people, like me, who wanted to know how it REALLY works in business. I knew I could help people who could not afford an education. I could give people the opportunity to get smart fast without the corresponding costs typically associated with education. So, in 1990 I started a publishing company called Smart Books Publishing and we created easy to read books covering real estate and business. The whole premise behind Smart Books was to provide a way for people of modest means to get their hands on high impact information that gave them the information they needed to succeed in business. To see the bigger picture, make better, more informed decisions based on facts rather than guesswork. I knew I could give people like me an opportunity to get educated without the cost of time and money that I had paid.

And where did this inspiration come from? I was reading an Entrepreneur magazine one day and I saw an ad for a "How to Become Commercial Loan Broker" book for $ 100.00. I reluctantly and skeptically paid $ 100.00 for the program thinking it was a scam. When I got the book, I read it thoroughly and it was jammed packed with insights on how to put together bank packages, how to fund business loans and commercial real estate mortgages, etc. That single book inspired me to try and be a commercial loan broker. As a result, I met major financial players around the US including real estate developers, Investors, commercial mortgage bankers and I originated over 32 million dollars of commercial real estate for financing. None of this would have happened If I would not have invested $ 100.00 in that mortgage program. It was the single best educational investment I ever made. Did it have all the answers? No. But it gave me enough insight to be able to talk to the pros that mentored me in the business. And these experiences combined are what inspired me to create Smart Books. The only difference is that Smart Books products are all less than $ 50.00, so more people can afford the products.

And what does this have to do with opportunity cost? Here's the answer: If you lack education in business or real estate you have choices. The opportunity to get educated will cost you time, effort and maybe some money. But what is the cost of not getting educated? Not taking action on education, especially if you are thinking of starting a business, or buying a home or whatever you are thinking of has the potential for cost immeasurable.

The opportunity to click the link below will cost you the time and effort to click the link and check it out. But what's the cost of not clicking the link?

Copyright © 2006 James W. Hart, IV All Rights reserved


Source by Jim Hart

6 Opportunities From Effective Team Working


We all understand conceptually that a team working effectively can deliver great results. So what are six big opportunities from effective team working?

Opportunity 1: Access to skills

You or I might be talented at what we do. On the other hand, we all probably recognise that there are things that we do not do so well. Team working allows us to mix our greatest skills with the greatest skills of others.

Opportunity 2: Build support

Even the most upbeat of us needs the support of others from time to time. When a team commits to supporting each others, it is a win-win outcome.

Opportunity 3: Greater creativity

To thrive and prosper these days, organisations need to continually innovate. A team of people working together not only generate more ideas but also build on each other's ideas. It is much easier to build on others' ideas than to start with a blank canvas.

Opportunity 4: Better problem solving

You might have heard the term 'a problem shared is a problem halved'. The essence of this statement is that, if you have more people thinking about solutions to problems or challenges, you will get a more optimal result.

Opportunity 5: Increased motivation

I do not know about you but I find that every time I am part of a well motivated team it rubs off on me. The energy of the team really increases motivation.

Opportunity 6: Professional and personal development

Organisations often say that there are no resources available to develop staff. Providing people with the opportunity to be part and parcel of a small solutions focussed team can present a golden opportunity for professional and personal development.

The Bottom Line

Team working is not just good for morale but also for business results. So what opportunities could you seize to create better team results?


Source by Duncan Brodie